Erectile dysfunction is a fact of life for men and very common as men get older. For most men, it’s not a question of ‘if’ but a question of ‘when’. Symptoms of erectile dysfunction start appearing for most men in their early 40’s. The three key symptoms are: inability to maintain an erection, a reduction in rigidity or full-blown E.D.

There are a number of causes, stress, a decrease in male hormone levels over time are leading indicators. The biggest contributors are the medicines we take for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

The traditional solutions of Viagra/Cialis work on about half the patients. The remaining 50% will see mediocre to no results. This leaves many men and their partners thinking that sex is over for the rest of their lives.

Men who have had failure with Viagra/Cialis/Levitra usually try a pump or over the counter remedies. However, these have limited results. Increasing testosterone levels through hormone replacement therapy is a widely advertised solution. This has limited results as well. It is most effective in men who are younger and experiencing challenges maintaining or getting the right firmness.

The key is for the patient to consult with a medical professional who works in and around E.D. all day. The patient will want a custom designed solution that will work 92% of the time. The protocol whereby a medication is applied directly to the penis that will open up the blood vessels, bypassing the brains function in erections, is the most effective and reliable form of treatment.

This allows blood to flow into the penis regardless of medications being taken, prostate issues or other medical issues. Men can and should expect to experience a fully active sex life well into 80’s or 90’s. Modern science has ways to open up blood flow into the penis region that is safe, effective, predictable and FDA approved.